Healthy Living

Drinking more water is not the answer for keeping you well hydrated

Drinking more water is not the answer for keeping you well hydrated

Now that it’s summer and most of us are sweating more, learning to properly hydrate is important. Re-hydrating with water doesn’t replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat, and drinking too much water can lead to hyponatremia, another form of water intoxication; this is when sodium levels in the body become too diluted.

Signs you’re drinking too much water
* If your urine is clear (should be straw color)
* Constantly going to the bathroom
* Swelling or discoloration in your hands, lips or feet

Hyponatremia (low sodium) Symptoms
* Dizziness
* Fatigue
* Thirst
* Nausea
* Headache
* Cramping

Low Electrolyte Symptoms
* Fatigue
* Weakness
* Twitching
* Muscle spasm

Dehydration Symptoms
* Fatigue
* Thirst
* Muscle cramps
* Headache
* Nausea
* Dark Urine
* Dry Mouth, Eyes, Skin

How do cells hydrate?

Water is absorbed into cells via electrolytes such as sodium. Traces of sodium in the bloodstream enter the cell and carry water molecules with it.

If we do not have the proper amount of electrolytes in the body our cells won’t get enough water.

What is an electrolyte?
Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sodium. Not only do electrolytes help hydrate the body, it uses them to conduct electricity as well. Electrolytes become ions in solution and conduct electricity. The human body uses these ions for muscle contractions and transmission of nerve impulses.

Electrolyte Sources
* Electrolyte powder (I recommend Celtic Sea Salt Electrolyte powder)
* Coconut water
* Sport drinks (contain very high in sugar and food colorings)
* Athletes can use mineral supplements (CAL-AMO, Trace Minerals and B12)
* Make your own electrolyte solution

Electrolyte Solution Recipe
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 cups filtered water or raw coconut water
2 tbsp organic honey or maple syrup
1/8 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt (table salt does not contain vital trace minerals)

Work hard and sweat on!

Amanda Chalifour

3 Everyday Items that could be toxic

3 Everyday Items that could be toxic

3 Possible Toxic Everyday Items
The term toxic is defined as a poisonous material capable of causing injury or death. Now these items are not going to cause a sudden death but over time they could cause damage to the detoxification organs. These organs are the skin, respiratory system, immune system, intestines, liver, and kidneys. Limiting toxic exposure can benefit the whole body.

1. Tap Water – many prescription drugs have been found in the nation’s water supply. The drugs enter the water supply simply by people taking pills, their body absorbs some of it, but the rest is excreted out and flushed down the toilet.

What’s worst is the EPA says there are no sewage treatment systems specifically engineered to remove pharmaceuticals.

* How to limit exposure *
* Home filtration system
* Reverse Osmosis
* Distill water with Filter

What about bottled water? Don’t count on it, many are bottled from the tap.

More Info:
APNews –

Baseline of Health Foundation –

2. Plastics – Most plastics leach hormone – like chemicals. A study at the University of Texas gathered 450 plastic items from local stores and found that 70 percent of the items released chemicals that acted like estrogen and that was before exposed to real life conditions.

What about BPA Free? A team concentrated on BPA- free baby bottles and water bottles reported that all of them released chemicals having estrogenic activity.

Impact of high levels of estrogen in the body:

In Females
– Weight gain
– Menstrual Problems
– Fatigue
– Feeling depressed or anxious

In Males
– Enlarged Breasts
– Infertility
– Loss of muscle mass
– Depression

* How to Limit Exposure*
* Use glass food containers
* Use real silverware and dishes instead of plastic
* Use glass or stainless steel water bottle
* Buy toys that are made from wood

More Info:

Hormone Network :

3. Food Colorings – Most common are Blue #1 #2 ,Yellow #5, #6, Red #40

Blue #1 Banned in Norway, Finland and France.
Yellow #5 Banned in Norway and Austria.

Studies have shown a connection with dyes and ADHD and Cancer.

* How to Limit Exposure*
* Read food labels
* Use natural food coloring instead
* Read all labels because these dyes are found in a variety of other products like lotions and cosmetics

More Info:
ABC News :

PubMed Health :

Do not let this information frighten you but encourage you to make healthier choices.

Peace To You,

Amanda Chalifour

Steps For Making a Lifestyle Change  

Steps For Making a Lifestyle Change  

Contrary to popular belief radical exercise programs, diet fads, and weight-loss pills are not the answer.  For a lasting impact on your health there must be long-term changes.


1st Step: Feed Your Mind

Your mind is only as powerful as the knowledge it holds.  If healthy living habits have not been a standard among people in your life, consider seeking fresh sources for information and individuals who consistently make healthy choices.

Topics to research: balanced eating, intermittent fasting, mindfulness and other activities offered in your community.

Additional sources:

Alternative Health Articles

Meditation from a skeptic/science lovers point of view

Short Workouts & Healthy Living Tips


2nd Step: Set Your Mind

My father always said “You can do anything you set your mind to.”  So set your mind to visualize yourself making all the best choices for your health.  If you can see yourself succeeding…  Then you’ll succeed.


3rd Step: Make SLOW Changes

Make slow changes indefinitely.  Allow small changes to build on one another to produce results.  Start by taking inventory of physical and mental health habits, identify the weakest points, and then create rituals to help strengthen them.

Ritual examples:

Refrain from eating after a certain time

Join an exercise class or hire a personal trainer

Adhere to a sleeping schedule

Meditate on positive thoughts for 10 minutes daily


4th Step: Prepare for Battle

It is difficult to make healthy decisions in our culture while constantly bombarded with advertisements for unhealthy food and conveniences.  Therefore prepare to fight for your picture of health.

Note where to find Support, Motivation and Encouragement to reinforce your goals


Here’s a great example of how change is always within reach!